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Registration Form – New Student or Dog

All information provided is considered confidential and is not shared with any other company or mailing lists.


The person who will be handling the dog in class, must be listed and agree to liability below. Family members or Co-owners are welcome to observe, but only one person will be allowed to handle the dog in class.


Please review your information carefully before submitting.


By submitting this registration application to Positive K9, in consideration of the enrollment for training being given by Positive K9, I do hereby agree that I release and waive any right that I may have in law to recover medical payments, property damages or bodily injury damages for any liability regardless of cost, provided that liability is due to ordinary negligence (This release does not contemplate wanton, willful or malicious conduct) as a result of any injury that I may sustain from any other dog or my own dog, dogs or property belonging to me, within the limits of Positive K9 LLC training center. I further agree that I hereby release and waive any right that I may have by law, to hold Positive K9 LLC and/or the owner of the premises, liable for any injury which may occur to me or my dog, dogs or other property provided this injury or damage is due to ordinary circumstances of negligence. I further agree that I am assuming the risk of participating in dog training where there are other dogs whose temperament is unknown to me, that I waive all right that I may have to institute any suit or other proceeding to cover therefore.


I have read this form and am fully aware that this contract constitutes a waiver and release of any and all liability as a result of any injury to me, to my dog, dogs or property. I hereby certify that I am over 21 years of age, am sober and of sound and understanding mind.

Thanks for registering!

Please download & print this health certificate and have it filled out by your veterinarian.





Bring completed document to your first class.

Please download & print this liability waiver. This form must be completed before participation.





Bring completed document to your first class.

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