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Novice ( RN)  Rally Intermediate (RI) and Rally Advanced (RA)

Rally Intermediate / Advanced

Pre requiste: Handlers need to have completed a Rally Novice class and already be familiar with the 42 Novice signs with a current or previous dog.

Dog must be able to do a sit and down with only 1 or 2 commands- and controlled walking beside handler for approximately 25 feet

Description: The approach for learning the 23 Rally Intermediate and Advanced signs is the same except for the following differences:

  • Rally Intermediate students will be on leash, without a jump.

  • Rally Advanced students are off leash in trials, but can be on leash in class, the jump is included.


The class will offer courses that include Novice and Intermediate/Advanced signs. Handlers will be critiqued while practicing each course.

Tuition: $
Duration: Once a week for 6 weeks

Class size is limited to make sure everyone gets individual attention
Instructor: Susan Cicone



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